What To Do After You Get Engaged

Since you are reading this, it is probably safe to say you are engaged or just recently got engaged! Congratulations to you and your fiance! Now, as exciting as this time is it can also be a little overwhelming.

To be fair how many weddings have you planned? Most likely zero. So, with anything new it can be intimidating to sail out on uncharted waters. Well, good news for you we can calm those waters down for you and provide a smooth sailing experience.

The Wildflower 301 team brings you seasoned experts in the wedding planning space, which means we can provide you all the insight and guidance you need as you begin a new chapter in life. We wanted to start from the very top and provide clarity around what to focus on first after getting engaged. When you know what to do and when you will feel the stress just melt away knowing you got this.

Let's go ahead and jump in!

Step 1: Celebrate

The first step of what to do after you get engaged is to celebrate! This is a significant milestone in your life and should be celebrated with the special people in your lives. Take time to share the news with family and friends, or have an intimate gathering just for the two of you. Whether it's going out for dinner, having drinks at a bar, or throwing a party in your home, make sure both of you feel special and enjoy this beautiful moment together.

We are firm believers in celebrating more in life. This is a life moment to definitively have its time to shine!

Step 2: Brain Dump

Once the excitement of getting engaged has settled, it’s time to start talking logistics. This step is an important part of planning your wedding, as you will need to decide on such things as a budget, guest list and venue. To help kick start everything it is beneficial to have a brain dump session.

This brain dump session will help with ironing out things like themes, colors, and wish list items. The rule of thumb with this is go big! Meaning don't hold anything back. At this point in the game anything is on the table. Let your creativity run wild and have fun with it.

This is not about being practical at this moment it is about sparking ideas, creativity and ultimately helping you both reach answers around important planning topics. It is a lot easier to refine your thoughts when you have more to work with. So, even the silly ideas just write them down.

Bonus it is always fun to revisit this after your wedding and maybe have a laugh or two!

Step 3: Set a Date

After the ring is on your finger and you’ve shared the news with your loved ones, setting a date for your wedding should be the next step of planning. The wedding date sets the tone for all of your other decisions, from what season you are getting married in to where you will host the event.

When selecting a date, remember that it should be special to both partners. If one person has a preferred month or day that holds more significance than another, this should be taken into consideration when making your decision. Consider any holidays or celebrations already happening around that time as well - if possible try to avoid them so guests don’t have trouble attending due to work or travel constraints.

Step 4: Choose a Venue

When selecting a location for your wedding day festivities, consider factors such as size -- how many guests do you plan on inviting? Also think about the setting; would you prefer an outdoor garden or an indoor ballroom? If necessary, visit potential venues in person so that you can get a better feel for them before making any decisions.

Lucky for you we already have a whole blog on picking the right wedding venue you can read by clicking here.

Step 5: Select Vendors

Now the planning process begins. After you’ve chosen a venue and set the date, it’s time to select your vendors. This includes everything from your caterer to your florist to your photographer. You may want to include others depending on the type of wedding you are having, such as a DJ or band for music and an officiant for the ceremony. Start by making a list of all the vendors that need to be hired for your wedding day.

Once you have identified potential vendors, it’s important to research them thoroughly before making any commitments. You can look at reviews online, ask friends or family members who have been married recently for their recommendations, or even attend bridal shows where many vendors will have booths set up.

We make this process a breeze for all of our Wildflower couples. Since we have an in-house caterer and florist it takes a huge burden away from you. Then we easily help you source the remaining vendors through our vetted vendor list.

Conclusion: Enjoy the Moment

The moment you get engaged is an incredibly exciting one! All the hard work of planning and preparing for the proposal has been worth it, and now you can savor the moment. After announcing your engagement to family and friends, take a deep breath, look around at all of your loved ones gathered together to celebrate you and your significant other, and enjoy this special moment in time.

Once the initial excitement settles down, you will have plenty of time to start thinking about the wedding day itself. But for now, why not just relax in this blissful period after getting engaged? After all, there’s no need to rush into anything; marriage is a huge commitment that should be taken seriously. Take some time out with your fiance-to-be to talk about what’s next or simply relish in happiness as much as possible!

If after reading this and you feel you want the support of experienced wedding professionals along with a venue that will match your every desire and then some we would love to connect with you. It is really simple to do that! All you have to do is go to our home page by clicking here and download our venue guide. In that guide you will receive everything you will need to move the ball forward with creating your dream wedding.

After you receive the venue guide it will also allow our wedding planner Nicole to reach out and assist you in booking your private venue tour. Let's get your love story started on the right foot with the Wildflower 301.

Cheers to your love story,

The Wildflower 301 team


How To Make Your Wedding Guests Feel Special


How To Pick The Right Wedding Venue